About the PTSA

The Fall City Elementary School Parent Teacher Student Association (FCES PTSA) is a group of community volunteers who donate their time in a variety of different ways to support our mission to provide programs and services that will enhance the learning environment.

The programs our PTSA organizes and the funds we raise are entirely made possible by your monetary donations. Just as important, is the donation of your gift of time to the school.  Many of the events we produce are not possible without community participation.  

2024-2025 PTSA Executive Board

Danielle Bothwell


Email: president@fcesptsa.org

Mindy Leonardi


Email: vicepresident@fcesptsa.org

Alanna Glastetter


Email: secretary@fcesptsa.org

Marcie Scott


Email: treasurer@fcesptsa.org


VP of Events

Email: events@fcesptsa.org

Morgan Leahy & 

Beth Beckmann

VP of Fundraising

Email: fundraising@fcesptsa.org

Brittany Dansereau & 

Mandy Reichmuth

VP of Communications

Email: communications@fcesptsa.org


All committees are open for as many people are interested in helping to plan and execute the event or program, events that we definitely need a committee are indicated. All chair positions marked as OPEN are not filled for the current school year. If you are interested in participating in a committee or would like to take on an open chair role, please email president@fcesptsa.org.

After School Programs

Email: afterschoolprograms@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: OPEN

Art Docent Program

Email: artdocent@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Morgan Leahy

Art Walk/Family Dinner (Fall)

Email: events@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: VP of Events

Book Fairs/Scholastic Book Liaison

Email: scholasticbooks@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Traci Clark

Bulletin Board Coordinator

Email: president@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Meagan Scoggins

Co-Chair: OPEN

Donation Matching Coordinator

Email: donations@fcesptsa.org 


Emergency Preparedness

Email: president@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Laurie Shepherd

Field Day

Email: events@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Jen Meehan

Fifth Grade Celebration

Email: events@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Kimbra Baker

Committee: Alison Wilson and Erica Lawrence

Grants Chair

Email: grants@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Alanna Glastetter

Kindergarten Play Dates (2024-2025 School Year)

Email: events@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Mindy Leonardi

Membership Coordinator

Email: membership@fcesptsa.org 

Mindy Leonardi

Nominating Committee

Email: nominations@fcesptsa.org 

Coordinator: OPEN

Co-Chairs (2): OPEN

Parent Play Day Coordinator

Email: events@fcesptsa.org 

Amber Mattson

Reading Hall of Fame

Email: rhof@fcesptsa.org

Chair: Stephanie Jensen

Co-Chair: OPEN


Email: reflections@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Kat Plewa

Science Fair

Email: sciencefair@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: OPEN

Committee: Need at least 5 people to help with planning and executing Science Fair Night!

Spelling Bee

Email: spellingbee@fcesptsa.org 

Chair: Daria Gorbenko

Spring Raffle & Silent Auction

Email: raffle@fcesptsa.org and auction@fcesptsa.org 

Silent Auction Chairs: Morgan Leahy & Beth Beckmann

Raffle Basket Chair: Tory Lincoln

Raffle Ticket Sales: Tory Lincoln

Silent Auction Committee: We need at least 3 people to help procure items for the auction!


Email: wat@fcesptsa.org

Chair: Carlee Partridge

Watch D.O.G.S.

Email: watchdogs@fcesptsa.org 

Co-Chairs: Joey Weir and Chris Ferland


Email: yearbook@fcesptsa.org 

Co-Chairs: Jamie Rowse and Beth Beckmann