Reading Hall of Fame (RHoF)

The RHoF is a school-wide program dedicated to encouraging a love for reading by offering free books and fun incentives to participating students throughout the school year.

Minutes Due by January 8th! Book Giveaway on January 10th.

Monthly Book Giveaway

Read 20 Minutes a Day!

Read 200 minutes in September, or 400 minutes October through May. All reading counts - whether the student reads independentlly or is read to.

Turn in Your Reading Log!

By the month's deadline, do one of the following:

Pick a Free Book!

During the monthly giveaway day, all students who submitted their reading log/form or were nominated by their teacher will be called to the MPR to choose a free book to take home.

Reading Related Incentives

Students who read 20 minutes a day and submit a log by the month's deadline participate in the monthly book giveaway.

Popsicle party for the class with the highest percentage of RHoF participants for that month.

Each month, one RHoF participant from each grade will be randomly selected to receive a digital bookmark.

Students who participate in all nine of the RHoF giveaways will participate in an end of year ice cream party.

Student Book Reviews

Students can submit a "Bookstagram" book review on giveaway days to earn a bookmark and for a chance to be featured on the RHoF bulletin board. Students who submit the most reviews, for their grade, during the year will receive a reading-related prize!

2024-2025 RHoF Calendar











Minutes Due Date

October 2

November 6

December 4

January 8

February 5

March 5

April 2

May 7

June 4

Giveaway Day

October 4

November 15

December 6

January 10

February 7

March 7

April 4

May 9

June 6


The RHoF program only works with volunteers!  If you'd like to help support this program throughout the year, please sign up for one of our giveaway days.

Monthly Newsletter

Check out how the program is going and fun monthly updates.

Reading Information

Did you know?

1. Reading 20 minutes a day exposes your child to 1.8 million words a year.

2. Regular reading helps children develop empathy and emotional regulation skills and can act as a springboard to conversations about these topics with your child.

3. Literacy skills develop through hearing, seeing, and saying words.

4. Reading comes in many forms, including but not limited to, telling stories through illustrations, listening to a story, and reading stories.

Any reading form counts towards your child's monthly minutes!

Please contact Stephanie Jensen at with any questions or concerns regarding FCES PTSA's Reading Hall of Fame Program.