Join the Fall City Elementary PTSA Today!

Our goal is 100% participation from the entire school community!

Mission and Goals

Support programs, materials and equipment that enhance and extend current district curriculum opportunities for our children.
To achieve this goal, we provide:

Raise money to help fund programs that support and assist teachers and school staff in providing the best possible education for our children.
To achieve this goal, we organize:

Promote healthy and active lifestyles within the student population.
To achieve this goal, we sponsor:

Promote family involvement in PTSA events, fundraisers, school-wide functions, and promote sense of community.
To achieve this goal, we sponsor and organize:

Educate and inform parents through consistent and accurate PTSA communication.
To achieve this goal, we will:

Follow WSPTA best practice guidelines.
To achieve this goal, we will:

Membership Benefits

Fall City Elementary PTSA Sponsored Programs & Activities

After School Programs, Assemblies, Book Fair, Family Dinners, Field Day, Field Trips, Food Drive, Holiday Cookie Boxes, Kindergarten Play Dates, Literacy for Life/Reading Buddies, Parent Education, Parent Play Days, Popsicle Social, Reading Hall of Fame, Reflections, SBA Snacks, School Supplies, Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Spring Raffle + Silent Auction, Teacher and Staff Appreciation, Teacher Funds, Walk-A-Thon, Watch D.O.G.S., Yearbook, and so much more!